Toxic Torts
All of us come into contact with various chemical substances each day, whether by choice or involuntarily—and some of those substances can be harmful. Exposure to toxic substances can lead to severe injuries or even untimely death from cancer or other ailments. By now, most of us have heard of the dangers of asbestos, lead, benzene, and other substances that were once used in many household products and are now recognized as being extremely toxic. Increasingly, people injured by toxic substances (including toxic molds and some prescription drugs) are pursuing compensation for the harm they suffered as a result. In the most egregious cases, the victims also seek punitive damages—an additional sum that the wrongdoer would have to pay, as a punishment and a deterrent.
Toxic tort claims are often brought by construction workers or other workers who were harmed by dangerous chemicals they encountered on the job (either through an accident or over an extended period of exposure), or by consumers who used products that proved to be toxic. Residents injured by chemicals that leaked onto their properties or into their groundwater may also bring toxic tort claims.
In a claim related to exposure to a toxic substance, the claimant has to prove that the substance itself was dangerous, that the claimant had indeed been exposed to that substance, and that the exposure caused him or her some kind of injury. Potential defendants, such as manufacturers and suppliers of the products that contained toxic substances, often argue that the victim’s injuries cannot be clearly attributed to the exposure to their products, or that the substance itself isn’t dangerous. Litigation involving toxic torts almost always requires scientific evidence, including expert testimony.
The law firm of Peter Thompson & Associates has the resources and experience necessary to reach successful outcomes for its clients in the context of toxic tort claims. We are ready to represent clients throughout the state of Maine, working hard to maximize the compensation that our clients receive for all the harm they’ve suffered. We also represent families who are pursing wrongful death claims after their loved ones lost their lives due to exposure to a toxic substance. Our initial consultation is free, and we don’t get paid unless we collect money for our clients.
For more details about the services we provide and the way in which we can help maximize your recovery, please see our FAQ’s page.
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