Right of way violations
In 2007, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that nearly 62,000 motorcycle riders died in motorcycle crashes involving multiple vehicles between 1975 and 2005. Of that group of fatalities, 56,000 (90 percent) motorcycle riders died as a result of a two-vehicle crash. The Hurt Report, one of the most comprehensive reports of motorcycle accidents issued in 1981, discovered that intersections are the most common location of a motorcycle accident, usually resulting from another vehicle violating a motorcycle's right of way. Motorcyclists in Maine who are injured as a result of a right of way violations should contact Peter Thompson & Associates for a free consultation and possible representation. Our experienced Maine motorcycle accident attorneys will be able to investigate, determine which parties should be held responsible for your injuries and bring a lawsuit on your behalf if appropriate.
Right-of-Way LawMRS Title 29-A, Chapter 19, section 2053 governs right-of-way. Among its provisions are rules that when operators of vehicles approach from opposite directions, each must move to the right of center of a public way to allow the other to pass without interference. When coming out of a private way (like a driveway), a passenger car must yield right-of-way to a vehicle on the public way and proceed cautiously thereafter. At an intersection, a vehicle that wants to turn left must yield the right-of-way to a vehicle traveling the opposite direction if the approaching vehicle is within the intersection or close enough to be considered an immediate hazard. A car or other vehicle's failure to follow any of these provisions about right-of-way can constitute negligence in a personal injury action by a motorcyclist.
Evidence of NegligenceAn injured Maine motorcyclist must be able to submit admissible evidence that more likely than not a defendant's breach of duty (such as a right-of-way violation) was the cause of his injuries. Unfortunately, after an accident, a motorcyclist that is hit by a car may experience a concussion and suffer memory loss as to precisely what happened to him or her. This is why it is so important to use an expert in accident reconstruction to determine what caused the accident. We work with experienced investigators who can look at skid marks, the angle of the vehicles, damage to the vehicle, and other physical evidence at the scene to reconstruct what happened and who was at fault.
Sometimes more than one party is at fault in a right-of-way violation. For example, if a street light is out and a city official is directing traffic but fails to see the motorcyclist, not only the car violating right-of-way, but also the city may be held liable for a motorcyclist's injuries in a crash.
Retain an Experienced Maine Intersection Accident AttorneyIf you are injured in a head on collision, you should retain a trustworthy Maine motorcycle injury attorney to help obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries. We can work to figure out what caused the accident and join all responsible parties to your lawsuit. Contact Peter Thompson & Associates at 1.800.804.2004 or via our online form.