Burn Injuries
Each year, approximately 100,000 people are hospitalized for burn injuries in the U.S., and approximately 5,000 of those cases end in death. A recent study cited by the CDC reports that nearly 85% of all fatalities caused by fire in the U.S. involve home fires; however, severe burn injuries can also be caused by hot liquids, steam, chemicals, electricity, radiation, and even sunlight.
Burn injuries damage the skin and, in the worst cases, deeper body tissues as well. First-degree burn injuries are limited to the skin's outer layer; second-degree burn injuries affect several layers of skin (and often result in blistering); while third-degree burn injuries can destroy deeper tissues and lead to swelling, loss of fluids, nerve damage, and even death. A secondary danger of burn injuries are infections, because the skin can no longer protect the tissues underneath.
Treatment for severe burn injuries usually includes lengthy hospitalization, often in specialized burn units or intensive care. It may also involve multiple surgeries, including skin grafts. Both the burns and the subsequent treatments can leave patients scarred or disfigured, and burn injuries are often accompanied by severe emotional trauma.
Based in Maine, the personal injury firm of Peter Thompson & Associates is dedicated to pursuing full compensation for the harm suffered by its clients, including burn victims or families who lost loved ones as a result of burn injuries. We have represented injured people throughout the state. While we maintain offices in Portland and Bangor, if you don't live near those locations, our attorneys will come to you. We can meet you in your home or hospital room, or set up a meeting in a professional setting close to where you live. We put our full resources, experience, and skills into every case we take. Our initial consultation is free, and we don't get paid unless we collect money for our client.
If you or someone you love suffered a burn injury and are considering seeking compensation in Maine, please call Peter Thompson & Associates. We will assess your case and explain the various types of harm for which you may pursue financial compensation. For more details about the services we provide and the way in which we can help maximize your recovery, please see our FAQ's page.
We are also ready to help if you are considering filing a wrongful death claim related to burn injuries. If the injuries or subsequent death were caused by someone's negligence (including medical malpractice), or by a defective product, you should not have to bear all the consequences alone.
for a free consultation with an experienced and effective Maine personal injury attorney, please call 800.804.2004 or fill out and submit our online form.