Inadequate Security
In Maine, a person or business entity that owns or controls a particular property has a duty to use reasonable care in keeping its premises reasonably safe for lawful visitors (though not for trespassers). That duty, however, is not absolute—and what is “reasonable” often depends on the perspective of the beholder. However, Maine law imposes a heightened duty on owners of hotels, motels, inns, or similar businesses: If a patron or guest of such a business is assaulted while on the business’ premises, and the business owner could have foreseen such an assault, the owner may be held liable for failing to take reasonable security measures to prevent or stop the attack.
In areas where assaults or other crimes have previously occurred, property owners or tenants may be expected to install adequate lighting, security cameras, fences, and locks, or to hire security guards. If they don’t take reasonable measures to protect their invited guests, and a guest is injured on the premises, the owners or tenants may be required to compensate the victim for the resulting medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
If you were attacked in a hotel, motel, or inn, whether in your room or the common areas (including parking lots), you should discuss your situation with an experienced Maine personal injury attorney. Even if the person who attacked you was not a guest or employee of the hotel, motel, or inn, you may be able to seek compensation for all the harm you suffered, through a claim of negligent or inadequate security. Inadequate security claims can also be brought against the owners of restaurants and bars, apartment complexes, universities and colleges, stores, and even entities such as cities and counties.
An experienced Maine personal injury attorney can investigate the circumstances of your attack, give you a professional assessment of your chances of success in pursuing a claim of inadequate security, and help you present such a claim as effectively as possible.
The attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates are dedicated to pursuing full compensation for people injured as a result of inadequate security measures. We know that some business owners try to minimize the costs of business, even when such actions endanger their patrons—and we strive to hold such owners responsible. While our offices are located in Portland and Bangor, our attorneys represent clients throughout Maine. We are ready to accommodate your needs by meeting with you at your home or in your hospital room, or in a professional setting nearby.
Our initial consultation is free, and we don’t get paid unless we collect money for our client. If you or someone you love was victimized as a result of inadequate security, please contact Peter Thompson & Associates right away.
for a free consultation with an experienced and effective Maine personal injury attorney, please call 800.804.2004 or fill out and submit our online form.