Head-On Collisions
The leading car accident attorneys of Peter Thompson & Associates are dedicated to protecting victims injured by negligence. We have prevailed in many types of car accident cases, recovering compensation from liable drivers who cause head-on collisions. We serve both in-state and out-of-state injury victims, with offices in Portland, Bangor, and Falmouth and convenient office meeting locations throughout the State.
Head-on collisions occur when the front sides of two vehicles collide. According to the Fatal Analysis Reporting System, 83 percent of head-on collisions occur on rural roads. Only 18 percent of these crashes were non-fatal. Even on Maine roads, these accidents can cause permanent injury. Head-on collisions typically involve one driver who is on the wrong side of the road. This is particularly common on two-way highways without a center median. The risks are even greater when the two-lane road has sharp curves or borders a mountain. At high elevations, drivers may be forced to choose between a head-on collision and driving off the road. Head-on collisions are generally caused by negligence involving:
- Intoxication, inexperience
- Illegal passing or overtaking
- Fatigue, lack of concentration
- Speeding through sharp curves
- Rollovers, falls from road edge
- Run-off-road encroachments
- Slippery pavement surfaces
- Construction, work zones
- Improperly-marked turns
- Defective shoulder slopes
Maine law holds negligent drivers liable for preventable accidents. Head-on collisions may be caused by human error or road hazards. Drivers who fall asleep, become distracted, or unknowingly travel the wrong way in traffic endanger the lives of others. While straying into the opposite lane may not be intentional, they are still liable for the accident. Personal injury law refers to this culpable behavior as “negligence” or the breach of a legal duty to another. In addition to inadvertent actions, drivers are also liable for deliberate maneuvers like speeding through a curve or trying to pass and overtake another vehicle. Whenever a driver improperly negotiates a turn, tries to “overcorrect,” or runs another driver off the road, he or she has breached a legal duty to the injured parties and is liable for any damages that result.
Cities, entities, and contractors may also be held liable for the negligent construction or maintenance of a road. Head-on collisions often occur in poorly-marked areas that either provide conflicting signs or fail to warn drivers of the hazard. In construction zones, for example, workers can drastically alter the traffic pattern by merging two lanes into one. To prevent vehicles from encroaching into the opposite lane, the responsible agency should clearly mark no-passing zones and install centerlines on two-lane roads. City engineers could also provide center two-way turn lanes or allocate a narrow “buffer medians” on dangerous roads. When negligent parties fail to correct a known safety hazard or provide the signs and material required to reasonably maintain a road, they are liable for any injuries that result.
If you were injured in a head-on collision, contact the experienced car accident lawyers at Peter Thompson & Associates today. We provide the highest quality legal representation to clients throughout Maine. Our lawyers have extensive experience litigating complex personal injury cases, helping clients maximize their recovery at trial or through settlement. Whether you are filing an insurance claim or bringing a personal injury suit, we can protect your rights and help you achieve the best outcome possible in your case. But it is important to act quickly and preserve the full value of your claim. At Peter Thompson & Associates, we are dedicated to helping you recover the compensation you deserve. for a free consultation, call 800.804.2004 or contact us online.
Examples of head-on collision cases we've handled