Failure to Yield Accidents
The Maine failure to yield accident attorneys are recognized leaders in personal injury law. We have helped numerous victims injured in accidents caused by negligent motorists who fail to yield. Our firm provides the highest quality legal representation to clients who were injured in Maine.
One of the most common driving mistakes is the failure to yield. One selfish move can cause single or multiple-car collisions that injure other motorists. Being in a hurry to catch a light or make a turn does not give drivers the right of way. Some motorists genuinely do not know they should yield and others feel entitled to “take” what is theirs. When this happens, other drivers feel compelled to react; they begin to drive recklessly to teach the other driver a lesson. Two unyielding drivers who believe they have the right of way are both heading toward an accident.
Drivers do not enjoy the right of way in a variety of instances. While not exhaustive, the following list provides common examples of when and to whom drivers must yield:
- Vehicles lawfully within the intersection notwithstanding a green light
- Pedestrians lawfully within the crosswalk notwithstanding a green light
- Vehicles with the green signal at an intersection when turning at a red light
- Pedestrians on crosswalk when turning at red light
- Vehicles already in the intersection at stop signs
- Closely approaching vehicles at stop signs
- Drivers must proceed with caution at flashing yellow light
- Prohibited turns near schools and fire stations
- Red signal on lane direction control device
The Maine Revised Statutes set forth specific laws governing the right of way in traffic. Many accidents happen when drivers fail to yield the right of way during “unprotected” turns. At a red light, after stopping, drivers may “cautiously enter the intersection” to make a right turn, but only after yielding the right of way to pedestrians on a crosswalk or to vehicles with a green signal at the intersection. Even drivers with the right of way at stop signs must yield to vehicles that are “approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard.” Pedestrians who have already started to cross at a “don’t walk” signal have the right to proceed to a sidewalk or safe place.
Under Maine law, the failure to yield may constitute a criminal offense if the person passes a yield sign and collides with a vehicle or pedestrian proceeding on the intersecting way. Drivers may also receive a traffic infraction if they fail to yield the right of way without causing an accident. According to general principles of negligence, drivers who intentionally or recklessly fail to yield have violated a legal duty. If this violation, or breach, results in an accident, the at-fault driver becomes liable for any injuries caused by his or her negligence. This may require compensating the injured victim for property damage, medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering.
If you were injured in a failure to yield accident, contact the experienced Maine failure to yield accident lawyers at Peter Thompson & Associates immediately. We can start investigating your case at no up-front to you. Maine’s statutes of limitations limit the amount of time injured victims have to file a legal claim, so do not delay and forfeit your right to relief. Let us handle the deadlines so all you have to do is recover. Peter Thompson & Associates has successfully handled all types of accident cases, obtaining substantial verdicts and settlements for clients throughout Maine. We are dedicated to helping you get back on your feet. Call our law firm at1.800.804.2004 for a free consultation or contact us online.