Common Injuries from Serious Truck Accidents
A vehicle collision between a tractor-trailer and a passenger car or light truck often leads to catastrophic injuries for the driver and passengers in the car as the result of the dramatic disparity in size and weight between a large truck that can weigh 80,000 pounds (and up to 100,000 pounds in Maine) and a car that weighs a maximum of 4,000 pounds. The impact forces lead to debilitating injuries and many fatalities each year.
Although there are many different types of injuries, some of the more common types of harm include:
- Broken or fractured bones – when a person is involved in a collision with a commercial truck, he often suffers from broken bones. The impact forces of the crash means that these breaks usually are extensive.
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – the trauma to the head that often occurs in a large truck accident may result in a serious TBI, where there is extensive damage to the brain tissue. TBI may lead to cognitive and physical impairment, extreme personality changes, seizure disorders, and even death.
- Spinal cord damage – although a victim may walk away from a crash, injuries to the spinal cord may lead to a slow manifestation of symptoms. This type of injury must be treated quickly or it can lead to permanent damage.
- Paralysis – When the damage to the spinal cord is severe enough, the victim may be a paraplegic or quadriplegic as a result of the accident.
- Amputation of limbs – the violence of the crash may lead to damage that is so extensive that limbs must be amputated. Some accidents result in an amputation of a limb during the accident.
- Severe burns from vehicle fires – the severity of the impact between a car and commercial truck can lead to a rupture of the fuel tank that ignites into a serious vehicle fire. When the frame of the car is mangled in the crash, victims may not be able to easily escape or be pulled from the wreck, leading to devastating burns.
- Lacerations and abrasions leading to permanent disfigurement – deep tissue lacerations may require multiple surgeries to correct the damage and the victim may be left with permanent scarring.
- Crush injuries – blunt force trauma to the abdominal cavity may lead to organ damage and internal bleeding.
- Wrongful death – Maine has both a survival statute and a wrongful death statute where the victim’s family can recover in the event of the victim’s death. While only certain people can bring a wrongful death action, an experienced personal injury attorney can work with family members to determine who will be designated as the Personal Representative of the deceased.
A truck accident frequently results in severe injuries that lead to a lifetime of ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation, requiring accommodations in the home and vehicle, causing loss of a career, and imposing a dependence on other people to carry out the most basic of tasks. It is important that any settlement or jury award takes the long-term consequences of this type of accident into consideration.
Peter Thompson & Associates Works Hard to Get Victims the Help They NeedCrashes between a commercial trucks and passenger vehicles often alter lives forever. If you or a loved one has been involved in this type of crash, it is important to contact the caring and knowledgeable truck accident attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates so that we can fight to get you the compensation that you need to begin down the path to recovery. While complete restoration of your previous quality of life may not be possible, we strive to make you as whole as possible. To schedule a confidential initial consultation, call us at 800.804.2004.