Belfast, Maine
Located in Waldo County, Belfast is a small Maine town siting at the mouth of the Passagassawakeag River estuary. There were 6,668 people including 1,729 families residing in Belfast as of 2010. 24.1% of 3,049 households included minor children. Unfortunately, when minors are involved in a serious car accident, the personal injuries can be permanent or lead to death. If you or your child is killed or injured by a careless or negligent driver, an experienced car accident attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries.
One possible source of compensation is the at-fault driver's insurance policy. Maine drivers must carry minimum amounts of liability insurance. They are $50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage. Drivers must also carry uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. These apply if there is an accident and the driver at fault can't be found or does not have insurance, or where expenses exceed the at-fault driver's insurance policy limits. However, there may be other sources of compensation in car accident cases, such as an at-fault driver's employer or the owner of a road that has hidden dangers or a defective product. It is important to retain an attorney who is willing to explore all sources of compensation in a serious car accident case, particularly one involving wrongful death or injuries to children.
Wrongful Death in MaineIn Maine, a wrongful death action may be brought by and a personal representative of the deceased person. When the decedent is an adult, the surviving spouse is first in line to serve as personal representative. However, when the decedent is a child, his or her parents may serve as personal representatives. The jury may award damages it deems fair and just to compensate for medical expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, and funeral expenses. The jury can also award up to $500,000 to parents for loss of comfort, society and companionship including emotional distress.
Maine's wrongful death statute provides that if a death follows a period of conscious suffering due to personal injuries sustained as a result of negligence, a wrongful act or a default, the defendant will be liable separately in the same action for those damages. This applies to cases in which the decedent does not die immediately but sustains serious injuries that cause suffering before he or she dies.
Punitive damages are rare in car accident cases. They are awarded only in cases of egregious conduct by the defendant, not cases where a defendant simply acted negligently. They are meant to deter future similar conduct. Maine juries are not permitted to award more than $250,000 in punitive damages.
Help From a Belfast Personal Injury AttorneyA trustworthy Belfast injury attorney can help you maximize the damages to which you are entitled after a personal injury or death of a child. When negotiating with an insurer, it is easy to forget about some aspect of your damages, particularly after a complex accident. In many cases, an insurer will want to avoid going to trial in a case involving the death of a child and will use various tactics to pressure you to settle. If you retain our firm, we will build an aggressive and comprehensive case on your behalf and work diligently to see that you recover the full amount you deserve. We also develop the facts in order to avoid or reduce a defendant's claim of comparative fault. Contact Peter Thompson & Associates at 1.800.804.2004 or via our online form for a free consultation.