Bald Tires and Tire Blowouts Lead to Serious Truck Accidents
Tires are a critical part of a well-maintained and operable tractor-trailer. A vehicle that is the size and weight of a tractor-trailer with a full load puts tremendous pressure on the tires, so if there is any significant wear, it could lead to a serious blowout.
There are a number of regulations with which drivers and trucking companies must comply before sending truck out on the road. Tires must be inspected before taking the truck out on a haul. This inspection must be recorded in the log book. The tires must have a safe amount of tread left on them. Tires that are balding or actually bald are at much greater risk of blowing out while the truck is traveling at a high rate of speed. A blowout can lead to devastation. The loss of a tire can lead to the driver losing control of the truck, which may cause it to veer into traffic.
There are conditions that make the tire unsafe under federal regulations, which include:
- Exposure of the ply or belt material in the sidewall or tread of the tire;
- Separation of the tread or sidewall;
- Insufficient tread; and
- An audible leak.
Despite the regulations that are aimed at protecting truck drivers as well as other people who share the road with commercial trucks, there are many instances of tire blowouts every day. It is difficult to drive any length of highway without observing large pieces of tire tread. Some of the reasons for these blowouts are:
- An ineffective maintenance policy;
- A failure on the part of the driver to properly inspect the tires before a trip;
- Under-inflating or overinflating the tires;
- Manufacturer’s defects in the tires; or
- Heat build-up around the tires.
Even if the tires were in an acceptable condition when the driver picked up the cargo and began the trip, there are many conditions out on the road that may lead to significant wear during a long-distance haul. It is necessary to continue to inspect and monitor the state of the tires throughout the journey. Some factors that lead to excessive wear and tear of the tires include:
- Potholes or ruts in the road;
- Driving over road debris;
- Extreme cold or hot weather;
- Poor tire alignment;
- An overloaded trailer;
- Aggressive driving; and
- Speeding.
When a tire blows out, the driver may lose control of the truck and crash into other vehicles. The loss of control often is coupled with an inappropriate reaction by the driver because of panic rather than following the training recommendations. In addition to the danger posed by an out-of-control truck, there also is a serious danger from the flying debris. A tire blowout at a high rate of speed is violent, sending pieces of the tire into traffic. This debris often is very large and can do damage when it strikes a vehicle. A car swerving to avoid the debris also may get into a serious crash. Many of these accidents are the result of negligence and could have been prevented with a little care.
Peter Thompson & Associates Fights for the Compensation Clients NeedA commercial truck accident leads to horrific injuries and debilitating pain for many victims. The harm done may require years of medical procedures and rehabilitation. A victim may not be able to go back to work at the job he held before the accident. The knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates realize how much our clients struggle to overcome the challenges created by a truck crash and we work diligently to get them the compensation that they need to meet the most basic of needs. If you have been in a serious truck accident, we are ready to advocate on your behalf. To schedule an initial consultation, call us at 800.804.2004.